Some shift-share links
Some shift-share links
A collection of corruption scandals and newspaper articles related to deforestation.
NCC presents our political palm-oil paper in its ‘research highlights’.
Political and agricultural incentives reinforce each other leading to 18% more deforestationin pre-eleciton years.
Deforestation increases in the year before local district elections especially in locations facing high incentives to plant oil palm.
We won the MSCA 2020 fellowship with the project PlanetHealth.
Looping regressions and dispalying resutls in a comprehensive html file.
The Amazon Fund is the world’s largest program to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+)
A flexible way to create spatial lag values with raster data.
Conntecting cities I lived in.
This is an easy and fast way to process DMSP-OLS nightlight data and to build your statistics, such as mean, min, max, or other.
Download and pre-processing of nightlight data DMSP-OLS versions (1992-2013).
Post-estimation predictions with panel data. Building alternative outcomes with different policy scenarios.
Building a heatmap using data gathered by Google GPS tracking.
Introduction to FD estiamation in R contrasting the lfe packages and plm package
Building resilient sustainable social-ecological systems (SES) requires communities to enhance their adaptive capacities.
Payments for ecosystem services are becoming popular components in strategies to conserve ecosystems and biodiversity, but their effectiveness remains poorly...
Discussing the resutls of my research paper published in PLOS ONE.
Brazil has probably been the first country in the world experimenting with the “naming and shaming” approach in the forestry sector and at a large (Amazon) s...
Starting in 2008, the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment has regularly published blacklists of critical districts with high annual forest loss.
Video on expansion of protected areas in Brazil since the early 1900s.
First results of my research on conditional cash transfers in protected areas of the Brazilian Amazon.