Code: Bulk regressions
Looping regressions and dispalying resutls in a comprehensive html file.
Code: Post-estimation predictions with FD and FE regressions in R
Post-estimation predictions with panel data. Building alternative outcomes with different policy scenarios.
Code: First difference estimation in R: lfe vs. plm package
Introduction to FD estiamation in R contrasting the lfe packages and plm package
Code: Nightlight statistics for spatial units
This is an easy and fast way to process DMSP-OLS nightlight data and to build your statistics, such as mean, min, max, or other.
Code: Nightlight (DMSP-OLS) download and preparation
Download and pre-processing of nightlight data DMSP-OLS versions (1992-2013).
Fun with maps
Code: Flexibe spatial lag metrics with raster data in R
A flexible way to create spatial lag values with raster data.
Code: Create a map of connecting locations
Conntecting cities I lived in.
Code: Google Traking meets leaflet heatmap
Building a heatmap using data gathered by Google GPS tracking.